With certain specified exceptions discussed below, employees of the University of Georgia are expected to report criminal incidents, emergencies, and suspicious activities to the University of Georgia Police Department (“UGA Police”) promptly and with as much detail as possible.
For Clery Act reporting purposes, UGA has named certain officials as Campus Security Authorities (“CSAs”). Any crimes reported to CSAs, along with those offenses reported to UGA Police, will be included in UGA’s annual crime statistics. The current list of CSAs at UGA include individuals with significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including the following:
- Vice President for Student Affairs;
- Associate Vice Presidents for Student Affairs;
- Dean of Students;
- Associate Deans of Students;
- Director, Student Care and Outreach;
- Director, Student Conduct;
- Executive Director, University Housing;
- Director of Residential Programs and Services, University Housing;
- Associate Director for Residential Programs and Services, University Housing;
- Residence Hall Area Coordinators, Residence Hall Directors, Graduate Residents and Resident Managers/Assistants;
- Director, Student Transitions;
- Director, Greek Life;
- Director, Recreational Sports;
- Director, Disability Resource Center;
- Faculty and Staff Advisors to Registered Student Organizations;
- Director, Associate Director, and Assistant Directors, Equal Opportunity Office/Title IX Coordinator;
- Executive Director, University Health Center;
- Professional staff within the University Health Center and Counseling and Psychiatric Services (subject to exemptions described below);
- Senior Associate Director for Facilities;
- Director, Student Veterans Resource Center;
- Director, Pride Center;
- Senior Assistants and Assistants to the Vice President for Student Affairs;
- Director of International Student Life;
- Senior Director, Student Affairs Development;
- Assistant Dean of Students;
- Director of Engagement, Leadership & Service;
- Vice President for Information Technology;
- Vice President for Instruction;
- Director, Athletics;
- Deputy Director, Athletics;
- Executive Associate Athletic Directors;
- University of Georgia Athletic Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Staff Members, and Trainers; and
- University of Georgia Ombudspersons.
UGA’s Clery Coordinator within the Office of Legal Affairs maintains a listing of CSAs. UGA reviews and updates its list of CSAs on an ongoing basis.
To ensure that all designated CSAs are knowledgeable of Clery Act reporting requirements, CSAs are provided notice of their obligations and are trained annually through an email advisory sent during the fall semester.
Exempt from CSA reporting requirements are professional counselors providing mental health counseling to members of the UGA community within the scope of privileged communications as defined by Georgia law.
Crime Reporting
The UGA Police Department encourages anyone who is the victim of or witness to any crime to report the incident to the police immediately. Because original police reports must be released under the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. 50-18-70, et seq.), the UGA Police Department cannot hold reports of crimes in confidence. All reported crimes are documented and included on the daily crime log maintained by the UGA Police Department, in compliance with the Clery Act. This ensures that other students, faculty, and staff have the opportunity to make themselves aware of reported crimes on campus.
All campus officials who have interactions with students should report any crime brought to their attention to the UGA Police Department. Reminder emails are sent to units on campus who may receive reports of crime. The victim of the crime will make the choice to have the case investigated and/or prosecuted, with no pressure to do so from UGA Police or University officials. However, in the event that a reported crime indicates the possibility of an on-going risk to the University and surrounding community, the UGA Police will follow up and take necessary steps to clarify the circumstances of the reported crime, address the ongoing risk (including through the issuance of a timely warning if appropriate), and communicate with the community to reduce opportunities for potential similar crimes. UGA does not currently have a policy regarding voluntary, confidential reporting of crimes by complainants or witnesses for inclusion in the University’s Clery Act crime statistics. As a result, while professional counselors are encouraged to discuss with clients, if applicable, available support resources such as the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention office, the University does not have a policy encouraging professional counselors to inform clients of procedures by which they may voluntarily and confidentially report crimes for inclusion in the University’s Clery Act crime statistics.
For any criminal incidents related to sexual assault, individuals are encouraged to report according to the procedures and recommendations specified in the section of this report entitled “Preventing and Responding to Sexual Assault.”
Campus Law Enforcement
The UGA Police Department has complete police authority to apprehend and arrest anyone involved in illegal acts on campus and in areas immediately adjacent to campus. If a University student commits offenses involving University rules and regulations, the UGA Police may also refer the individual to the Office of Student Conduct.
The prosecution of all criminal offenses, both felony and misdemeanor, on or near the main UGA campus in Athens, are conducted through the Municipal, State, and Superior Courts of Athens-Clarke County.
The UGA Police Department is responsible for responding to and investigating all criminal activity occurring on the main UGA campus and has the authority to address criminal activity, including to make arrests, within 500 yards of campus if the need arises. (O.C.G.A. 20-3-72). Through coordination with local law enforcement agencies, documentation of criminal activity engaged in by students at off-campus locations is forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct for review and follow-up action.
Security and Access
The University has a physical access and security committee, which is chaired by a member of the UGA Police. Physical and security access applications are put in place based on the needs of the individual buildings. The level of access to individual buildings is granted and controlled by building management personnel, based on the individual needs of those who use the specified buildings.
The University maintains the security of campus facilities in a manner designed to minimize unsafe conditions. Parking lots and commonly-used pedestrian areas are generally illuminated. UGA Police work closely with other units on campus including the Facilities Management Division and University Housing to enhance security and to make sure that maintenance issues, such as replacing malfunctioning lights and repairing door locks, are addressed in a timely manner.
Security Awareness Programs
The UGA Police Department takes a number of steps to inform students of effective security procedures and practices, as well as ways to look out for themselves and their fellow students. The UGA Police Department’s website is a valuable source of information on topics such as crime statistics, timely warning information, crime prevention and security awareness information, and general safety.
During summer orientation sessions, incoming freshmen and transfer students are introduced to general safety procedures and the services offered by the UGA Police Department. Programs relating to General Safety and New/Transfer Student Orientation are offered on a regular basis by the UGA Police. Other programs are offered on an as-needed basis upon request.
Additionally, a number of crime prevention and general safety topics are displayed on the UGA Police website including: Alcohol Awareness, Drug Facilitated Rape Awareness, Sexual Assault Awareness, Cycle and Scooter Safety, Housing Tips, Vehicle Prevention Theft Tips, Information regarding Weapons on Campus, Railroad Safety, and Pedestrian Safety.
Criminal Activity Off Campus
When a UGA student is involved in an off- campus criminal offense, the UGA Police, when notified of such an incident, makes every effort to provide a record of the incident to the Office of Student Conduct for review and follow- up action. While UGA does not operate any off-campus housing, a large number of students live in residential areas surrounding the Athens campus. The UGA Police routinely respond to incidents that occur in these areas, in cooperation with the Athens- Clarke County Police Department.
Each year, crime statistics for non-campus properties associated with the University and its student organizations, as well as public property adjacent to and within the University’s campuses, are requested from the Athens-Clarke County Police Department and other local law enforcement entities. When statistics are provided, they are included in the University’s crime statistics disclosed in this report.